"School in Sweden?"

 Why do I go to school?


Why is school important for the future labor market?


In the Swedish society today it is important to have a Secondary School education. An investigation made by the Employment Service shows that the number of registered people without secondary education has increased. More and more people from this group are at risk of long term unemployment.


There are two main groups that do not have Secondary School education in Sweden:


  1. Those who have completed the nine-year compulsory school and then dropped out during Secondary School.

  2. The other group has come to Sweden from other countries, during the latter part of the Compulsory School.


In some countries there can be up to 40 % of the unemployed that have not completed Secondary School. In most cases these are people between 25 and 34 years old.


In order for Swedish young people to be able to compete in an increasingly global labor market in the future, it requires good knowledge of languages, programming and Information- and Communication Technologies. This is knowledge that one can get in school.

In our education to become electricians, it is required to be able to deal with computers, cell phones and other technical equipment. This equipment is used, for example, to program and get the alarm system and lighting system going. It takes knowledge to program the control systems used in industry, which control robots and machines.  

Reading of drawings is another important element that we can learn and practice in school. The symbols used in the drawings are international, which gives opportunities for work in other countries. An electrician also needs a lot of rules and laws in order to work safely. The electrical power is, which surely everyone knows, dangerous to deal with in the wrong way.

The profession of being an electrician has changed. We know people who took the course 20, 30 years ago. At that time, they definitely didn´t need knowledge in computing and programming. If we learn the new techniques, we have more opportunities to get good and interesting work in the future.


Victor Johansson and Oskar Koskela from Sweden




Why do young people drop out of Secondary School?

One reason why young people drop out of Secondary School could be that there is too much pressure on the students. Other reasons might be the long school days and that the teachers sometimes make the lessons uninteresting. These things can make the students extremely tired of school.

Another reason for dropping out of Secondary School is if you have chosen the wrong type of education. The wrong choice may be due to the influence of the parents. The parents might think you should study a certain type of education, perhaps because it is important that it reflects their values and social status.

Girls often choose certain types of education and boys other types, which comes from old tradition. It might turn out that the child was not at all interested in the education and when they discover that, they choose to drop out of Secondary School, or change to another type of education.

Some choose the same type of education as their friends, because it feels important to continue in the same class in Secondary School. Then they find out later that this education was not the right one for them. They might also drop out of school or change the type of education.


Moa Lindskog from Sweden