Poland #IV

The city of Frombork: Changes for the Better

1. Cinema

A cinema would Liven up the nightlife, play all of your favourite movies.

2. Playground

More focus on the playground, and  maybe even expand on it

3. Cafe/Pubs

More Available Cafes and Pubs to get the social life in Frombork more interesting and give tourists more things to spend their time and money on.

4. Information signs and plaks in English, Russian and German Translations.

A lot of the information in Frombork is only in Polish. This can be very problematic, when you are a tourist that does not know Polish and are interested in the history of the town.

5. More open restaurants to promote Polish and local dishes.

    Renovating and livening up the local marketplace would be a great way to do so and would bring more life to the streets of Frombork.

6. Benches For the football fields

More benches, or maybe even a tribune along the football field so that eager sports enthusiasts can enjoy the game.

7. Renovate and reopen swimming-pool.

Seeing how the beach is a no swim zone, you should reopen the swimming-pool that you have and make sure that more tourist that come knows that it exists.

8. More Concerts/Festivals

A yearly Concert or Festival in Frombork would definitely attract more tourists to the town So this would pay off pretty well and start a great tradition.

9. More Church Performances

With an as big and as beautiful church as the one you have in Frombork. then you have to make sure that it is the highlight of every tourist that comes to visit Frombork.



