Studying and working abroad

Beatrice Cantarello, 5 L IIS Rolando da Piazzola - Italy

Travelling is undoubtedly one of my main interests. When it comes to travelling I am not able to find any negative aspects which could stop or discourage anyone from deciding to visit a foreign country.
I have been lucky enough to travel a lot during my teenage years, in two of these occasions I had to study or work abroad.
I believe that the opportunity of studying and/or working abroad should be given to every teenager, since it has many positive effects on the person travelling.
First of all, it obviously helps improving your independence and your resourcefulness: when you are alone in a place you don't know you have to rely only on yourself, you have to learn how to organize your time and how to be able to live on your own.
Working abroad opens your mind and it makes you look at everything from a different perspective: you learn how to accept a different culture, making it part of your own.
Furthermore, being able to work abroad requires responsibility, commitment and patience: you may not always find your dream job, sometimes you just have to learn to adapt and to do your best event if you don't enjoy what you are doing.
Finally, I believe that stepping out of your comfort zone and getting involved into something challenging and new is one of the best forms of self care: travelling sets your mind free and you can disconnect from everyday's toxic routine.