A week in the north - by Hanna Stockner and Kristina Mayrhofer

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A week in the North

With a queasy feeling (we were really curious about how this week would be going to be and if we would come along well with our hosts) we arrived at Hoyanger. At dinner in the school, we first met all of the other Erasmus participants and only after a few hours, we felt really welcomed and comfortable there.

Although KLM lost our suitcases and it rained the whole week, we had a fantastic time in Norway. It is always great to meet new people, to learn something about other countries and their culture. During this week we found out many similarities and differences between teenagers in Austria and teenagers in other countries.

We all agree, that we are really grateful for the opportunity to join this program and our rather interesting topic. We were glad that we had so much time to discuss our tasks and to get to know some details about the school system in Poland, Denmark, Germany, etc. Before that trip, we never thought about our intention of going to school this intensely. By dealing with the topic, we found things, which are good in the Austrian school system, but also some things which could be better. When you start to think about the school system briefly, you start on the one hand to appreciate the well advanced things. On the other hand you begin to wonder why some other things aren’t working properly.


We are really glad that we joined Erasmus and that we were allowed to go to Norway. If I ever get the chance again, I would definitely take it!