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If you ask me about what would my dream job be I would say being reporter of war; the reasons for that are very simple. On the one hand, I want to tell the truth about what is happening in places like Syria or Afghanistan, and explain to everyone what no one dares to. Furthermore, I believe that there is ignorance about this kind of topic, therefore, I would like to transmit to others the information about wars that we don’t know.  On the other hand, I don’t feel myself prepared to live a shelling as well as gunfire, and I would like to know how I would face this situation of confusion and chaos. In addition, being a reporter would provide me inner richness, which can’t be paid with money and my life might be an adventure. You may think that I’m a bit mad because of the craziness of the idea; however, I am aware that it is very hazardous and risky.

Unfortunately, I don’t believe enough in myself and I think that I’m not going to be capable to cope with the situation, due to that reason; I will be content with being journalist.



Firstly, I must say that we do thanks to the variety of languages we can learn there, such as Basque, English or even German (Spanish too, of course), without forgetting Latin and Greek; with four hours of each per week it is enough to obtain a very good level. Furthermore, my high school offers the choice to study in a language which is not our mother tongue, for example; we can study in English subjects like Biology or Economics.

Following the same idea, my secondary school provides us with projects (for instance, this project of Erasmus + and Elos, or exchanges with German and Danish students) that allow us to grow, thus, it is a chance for us to know and learn from other cultures besides the fact that you get to meet new people from the places you go to. What I mean to say is that journalism is a career in which it is very important to know lot of languages and to be very open-minded as you can be correspondent in other countries and be reporter, so you have to be able to work with different types of people and cultures. 

Nevertheless, from my point of view we have shortage of outside work. I mean, we put so much time and effort into the classes, and I would prefer if we would do some exercises outside the building. In this way, depending on the subject, we could do interviews or surveys to know if people are up-to-date and what they dare to answer. In addition, in subjects like Biology, they could do enquiries about the plants of the streets. This would help me in order to be a journalist and simultaneously it would get us to improve our communication with strangers.