My intention of going to school by Lukas Strasser

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 “Going to school is only a waste of time!” or “I want to earn my own money as soon as possible!” You can hear Statements like these very often in Austria and many statistics are proving it. Plenty of pupils at the age of 15 only want to make their own money; they do not realize that a higher level of education is very important nowadays. In most cases, they start to recognize their mistake when it´s too late, then they need to support their family and are dependent of their monthly salary. Then it is too late attending school.

However, why do some kids drop out of school so early? I think it is not only the fault of the children. It is very important that the parents teach their children how important education is. When the parents neglect that, how can teenagers get a good attitude towards learning? Furthermore, there are several reasons that can lead to a drop out effect. For instance, the circle of friends is very important. When all your friends are lazy and do not spend much time on school stuff you are also more entrapped disregarding school. Another significant reason is the money: How much do you earn as a student? Right, you earn nothing! When you want something, you need to ask your parents, grandparents or you wait until Christmas. A lot of teenagers are fed up of that, they want to get independent and earn their own money. In my opinion at school, you do earn something! You get education and the basics for a good job. Earning money can wait, because with a high level of education it is easier to get a good employment later.


Personally, I think that school and education are two of the most valuable things in the world and it is a privilege being allowed to go to school. According to third world countries people often do not have this privilege and what is the result? Poverty and wars. So all of us should use the possibility of getting educated, which is not self-evident.