Preperation Germany

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Preface – Meeting Germany 19th-23th January 2016 – Elisabeth-Langgässer-Gymnasium, Alzey



Topic:The Media

The Rhine-Main region is a multimedia area with numerous job oppurtinities for Journalists and all media jobs. The ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, a large TV channel) and the SWR (Südwestfunk, a regional broadcasting company) have their headquarters in Mainz. There are also several important German newspapers in the region. In the age of media it is necessary that students learn and grow up with a high level of multimedia competence. They have to see the different (job) opportunities but also the risks of the media, including their own media usage.

The intention of the meeting in Alzey was for students to realise the important influence of various types of multimedia for their lives and their futures. Another key aspect for them to get a feeling for the value of a free press in a democratic society.


The Power of the Media

The freedom of opinion and the freedom of the press are cornerstones of a functioning democracy and it is not without reason that they are particularly protected within the framework of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany (Article 5). The media and the press are considered mediators between citizens and politicians. An independent, critical and investigative journalism is the basis for the realisation of the control function of the various media. The media as the so-called fourth power in the state exert an essential control function.


However, there is also a certain...

Powerlessness of the Media

Unfortunately, doubts concerning the reliability of the media are voiced again and again, which shakes the foundation of a democravy. Some parts of society ask the unreflected question whether the media do not collectively manipulate the truth. Occasional claims that all journalists are manipulated and bribed certainly represent a distorted picture of reality.



Conclusion: Power and Powerlessness of the Media

The media has a vast relevance and responsibility for democracy because they have a huge influence on the perception of politics and the processes of society. The power and powerlessness of the media are currently very closely connected. Without a press and the media, society would be without critical observers who can point at injustices.

The partnership meetings in Alzey dealt with this complex range of questions and aimed at putting these aspects into the focus of young European citizens. This surely represents an important step towards their maturity!


                                                             Torsten Schreier