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Preparations for the meeting:

III Liceum Ogólnokształcące in Elbląg, Poland has chosen Frombork as its neighbouring town to focus on in their Erasmus+ project. Frombork is a small town (ab. 2,500 people) in northern Poland. It is situated in a rather poor area, no heavy industry, people living mostly on farming. However, it is a place with a very interesting history and historical places, so tourism is a branch of industry the town can benefit from.

Preparing for the partnership meeting, Polish students visited Frombork and did a thorough research on how tourism develops there. They visited the local tourist sites, museums, the information centre and all possible facilities tourists can use. They talked to people working there, as well as to inhabitants, asking about the current situation, possible problems or challenges. Later, they gathered the results – pictures, interviews, conclusions – and they prepared a SWOT analysis, pointing out all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Frombork as a tourist town (


The analysis was then sent out to partner schools. The idea was that students in each country can compare the current situation in Frombork with the town they live in. As a result, they came up with some ideas on what can be improved in Frombork.